Failed To Reconnect To Your Remote Session

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Remote desktop client randomly unable connect to the RDS farm4 (80%) 3 votes Recently I ran into a problem with an existing Remote Desktop Services 2012 R2 at a client site.

  1. Failed To Reconnect To Your Remote Session On Iphone
  2. This Computer Can T Connect To The Remote Computer
  3. Failed To Reconnect To Your Remote Session

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Ok, I have read hundreds of articles regarding this issue, but have found no resolution.I have 10 servers configured as follows:All running Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 (Enterprise)All running Server 2003 Enterprise, SP11 Published Desktop, All ServersI setup a test user, and connect to one of the servers. I then disconnect my session.

At this point, I can see my disconnected session in CMC, on TS01. Now I try to reconnect, and it tells me 'You have exceeded the concurrent connection limit. Please contact your system administrator.' And'To log onto this remote computer, you must have terminal server user access permissions on this computer. By default, members of the remote deskop users group have these permissions. If you are not a member of the remote desktop users group or another group that has these permissions, or if the remote desktop users group does not have these permissions, then you must be granted these permissions manually.'

Now I know there are no issues with the remote desktop users group, because I was able to connect in the first place. So instead of the system reconnected my test user to the disconnected session, it is rejected it. It does not appear to be an issue with load balancing, because it is in fact attempting to reconnect me to the same server.Now I do have two servers that will allow my test user to reconnect to the disconnected session, and works perfectly everytime.

But when my session is disconnected on any of the other servers, it does not work.So I basically am using the 'working' servers as reference for proper settings. I matched the following settings from my working servers, to my non working servers:1. Checked permissions on remote desktop group, all is well.2. Checked the permissions on the ICA listener, all is the same3. Shogun 2 rise of the samurai mods.

Recreated ICA listener, verified permissions were setup properly - same result4. Checked GP for terminal server limits5. Checked properties for ICA listener, allowing reconnect from any client6. Checked CMC and application properties, allow nay connections from any client7. Checked local security policies8.


Tried different client versions, same result9. Tried reviewing registry settings, all look the same10. Deleted load balance evaluators, same result11. Installed Windows 2003 Server SP2 on one of the servers, same resultI should mention that this test was done while there were no users logged into any servers.

Failed To Reconnect To Your Remote Session On Iphone

I basically have a completely empty farm as I was conducting these tests. Load balancing seems to work fine, as it appears it is reconnecting me to the server that contains my disconnected session, it just won't allow the session to reconnect.I am completely clueless here as to what to look for next. I have gone through hundreds of articles over the past few months, and have come up with nothing.

I should also mention that I was previously running Citrix Presentation Server 4.0, and was having the exact same issue, hoping the upgrade to 4.5 would help resolve the issue at hand - but it did not.My next option is to open a support request with Citrix, but unforutnately they are closed on the weekends and it's the best time for me to test because there are no users logged on. I seriously doubt it has anything to do with the operating system and/or versions.One last thing to note, I get the same result wether the client is on the local LAN or via VPN across the WAN or even using the web interface.Anyone? Hello, thanks for your response;1.

I am not limiting connections in any way2. Yes, same result on published applications3. I have no patches since the install/upgrade to 4.54. Yes, I have recreated the lhc5. Not sure how to check this, I am using SQL datastoreThe servers are using per user TS CALS and the discovery is set to automatic, on all servers - none hard coded.

Everything is exactly the same confi wise.I just found something out that i found interesting. If I go into the CMC and uncheck 'Allow only one instance of application per user'. It will reconnect the user to their session perfectly.

This Computer Can T Connect To The Remote Computer

As soon as i limit the app instance to 1, it will not allow session reconnection. As you are limiting your desktop to one instance - what I think is happening is that when the user tries to reconnect - CTX is not reconnecting them to the existing session - but trying to open a new one - thats why that message appearsYou haven't got more than one desktop published have u?Also do the users login with UPN e.g. John.doe@domain.comRO1 refers to disconnected sessions a few times but nothing so specific - have u a test server u can put Ro1 on? It goes on fine 99% of the time as I do it at multiple clients but best to back your datastore up first which is good practice anyway!To check your datastore type DSCHECK at the command prompt of any CTX server (if u get an error u have to add a switch) This does not make changes to the datastore. I am actually not limiting the application to a single instance in the farm, but am limiting users to only a single instance of the application. I also though the system was trying to create a new session which is why they were getting the error, but if this were the case the system would in fact be successful in creating a new session while I have unchecked the 'Limit user to one instance'.

Failed To Reconnect To Your Remote Session

But it does not, it actually reconnects them to their disc session.Users do not log in with UPN, however in my tests I was in fact using UPN and it did not make a difference.I ran DSCHECK and receive no errors. Have you checked to see if session reliabilty is enabled and if so, you will need 2598 open on your firewall.This normally effects external WI users instead of internal, but its a shot. You can check to see if it is working properly by double clicking your connection center in the taskbar. Highlight one of the connections and click properties. If session reliablilty is showing itself as enabled on the client end you are good, but if it is disabled on the client end and enabled on the server end it could cause the session problem.