How To Close Cmd

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Since I would assume the Skype executable is at least a Win32 program, I find it peculiar that the window does not close. How are you launching the batch file? From a command line or from an explorer window?

Cmd Commands Tutorial

Oct 6, 2009 - exit /b does not work on win9x IIRC, so if you need to support every version of windows and close the terminal window if the user double clicks. If the batch file was launched from a shortcut, 'exit /b' should work fine. If you opened a command prompt and then ran the batch file, it will not close the parent window when it finishes. I hope that helps. Using the 'TaskList' and 'TaskKill' Commands in CMD This comes in handy When a program is not responding just use these simple cmd commands and you should be good to go.


If the later the window shouldclose. If the former, the batch procedure needs to execute an EXIT statement.Anyway, try this.@echo offstart ' 'C:Program FilesSkypePhoneSkype.exe' /secondary /minimizedexitThis should make doubly sure that the command window closes.Tom LavedasWhat? - You don't trust Windows.jv.

I see your point, yet in this particular case the stated object was to force the command window to close. It turns out the exit was not required and was therefore not appropriate. I threw it in just to be sure, as I said.

How To Close Cmd.executereader()

I had failed torealize the fact that Win32 executable now run synchronously in command windows. In earlier Win versions, especially the Win9x varieties, they always ran asynchronously, unless you forced them to wait wth the Start utility. I don't know what OSintroduced that twist. Either that or the Skype executable is actually a true command console application.Tom Lavedas.