Left 4 Dead Split Screen

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So you want to play Left 4 Dead 2 in split screen mode but only have the PC version? No problem as long as your PC has some thunder under the hood.What you need:- 1 Xbox360 controller for WindowsWhat you should use:- 2 Xbox360 controllers for WindowsWhat to do:- update config- enable console- start playingUpdating the config:The current config only supports one controller. To change this open the 360controller.cfg in your steamappscommonleft4dead2cfg folder (somewhere in the Steam directories).At the bottom there are some bind commands regarding the controller. Simply copy those and add an cmd2 in front of each.

How to make left 4 dead split screen

This will execute those commands for your second controller.Since L4D2 will only allow mouse/keyboard for the first player, the controller has to be controller number 2. But Windows doesn't allow this if you only have one controller.

There are some kind of hacks but my advice is to simply use two controllers anyway, which will fix this problem.Enabling the console:If you haven't done this already open the launch config of the game in the Steam Library Browser and add -console to it. Then start the game.Start the game:Now start the game and in the console type:exec 360controller.cfg (or whatever you have called the file)sssplitmode 1/2 (1 = horizontal, 2 = vertical)ssenable 1 (enables splitscreen mode)Now create a SinglePlayer game and you should be set. Fallout new vegas how to start ncr main quest. Otherwise try the following:ssconnect to add the second player.Start a Splitscreen game by entering: ssmap MAPNAMETo get the map name simply check the auto completion feature of the console.When the game is loaded you still have only one screen, so enter:connectsplitscreen localhost 2 and after a bit of loading you will be ready to go.If the second player has no team, type:cmd2 jointeam 2That should be it. There are some other ss commands if I remember correctly. Simply check the console, it should show them.It might be neccesary to enable Controller usage in the game menu.It is also possible to play other game modes. Simply add the game modes name after the map-command: ssmap MAPNAME versus.

Left 4 Dead

Haven't really tested this but it should work. Perhaps further changes are needed. Actually i'm going to play with my girlfreind as soon as i get home. Got a football game first though.so it won't let you change characters with the 2nd controler?i wonder why that is.You could try:cmd2 sbtakecontrolIt is possible that the charname is someting else than their actual names, though.Another note: it is also possible to configure L4D(2) to support mutliple screens in splitscreen, so that every player has its own screen. But you need a strong video card for that to work.

Actually i'm going to play with my girlfreind as soon as i get home. Got a football game first though.so it won't let you change characters with the 2nd controler?i wonder why that is.You could try:cmd2 sbtakecontrolIt is possible that the charname is someting else than their actual names, though.Another note: it is also possible to configure L4D(2) to support mutliple screens in splitscreen, so that every player has its own screen. But you need a strong video card for that to work.Cannot figure the dual screen out in Windows 7. We have 2 monitors setup portrait style and would like the desktop LCD to be tied to the keyboard mouse (player 1), then the mounted LCD on the wall to go to the other player (xbox controller).

LEFT 4 DEAD SPLITSCREEN ON PC! UPDATED FOR USE WITH THE FULL GAME For those who have been wondering about the leftover splitscreen code in left 4 dead and how to get it working, I have gotten it working. Below are the steps to get it working yourself 1. Find an XBOX360 controller 2. Plug it in 3.

Using a GeForce GTX460.