Ff14 Unable To Complete Version Check

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  1. Ffxiv Unable To Complete Version Check Pc

If so, look for the file in My Documents/My Games/final fantasy xiv - a realm reborn/downloads/ffxiv patch/(patch folder) and check the properties of the patch. If its read only, untick, apply and try running the launcher again. I am so irritated by this! It keeps saying unable to complete version check and I am not uninstalling this because one of my buddy did so and it so didn't work. I guess I play the waiting game. Anyone else having the same problem.

I tried reinstalling the game this week, and the patcher wasconstantly crashing at 400mb in a specific file (don't remember theexact file sorry). The error message was something like: 'Unable todownload patch files 30413 20495'.I tried lots of things(running as admin, resetting router, stopping all backgroundservices,etc.) to no avail.

The only fix that worked was to go through aVPN connection to 'secure' the data.I used Cyberghost VPNsince it had a free version that was not limited in download size,etc.It still slowed down to a crawl, but once the specific file wentthrough, I stopped the VPN and restarted the download and it managed todownload the rest at full speed.Posting this here as an FYI for people (who lurks around here) who could end up with the same issue I had.It was a frustrating issue that almost got me to not come back to the game. But now that it is behind, maybe I can finish the ARR story line (main class is lvl46) and finally sink my teeth in HW.

I get 'unable to complete version check' when I try to access the PS3 version.Looks like they have some problems with the PS3 versionNA PS3 Version Version Update Issue (Aug. 15)Right now we are experiencing technical difficulties on North American PlayStation®3 version where an error message saying 'No valid service account is available to play FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.'

When players press the login button on the launcher and they are unable to complete the version update.We are currently addressing this issue with a cooperation of Sony Computer Entertainment and new updates will follow as additional information becomes available.Please note that this issue is only occuring on the North American PlayStation®3 version. The Windows version, and Japanese/European PlayStation®3 version, are unaffected.We deeply apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. : See my edit. I live in Europe, Finland to be exact. Damn SquareEnix don't you have a normal account?

You don't need a new code normally. If you were in previous betas. Maybe ask the in beta forums?

Sorry that I can not help much since I am playing on PC.Guess I should try my luck there. Thanks for the help anyways.Edit: Logged in to forums and got thisSince the valid character data is not present on your Square Enix Account, you are not allowed to log in to the forums.Even if the monthly fee is paid and a valid content ID is available, a valid character data needs to be present.Once the character is created, you will be eligible to log in to the forums. However, it may take some time until the character data is reflected to the system.How can I have a character if they were wiped after Phase 3 ended.?Seriously, I'm not even sure if the game is worth all this crap anymore lol. I've been refreshing my e-mail and seeing if the old client works all day because I'm so excited about the game, but all this crap is seriously starting to piss me off. : See my edit. I live in Europe, Finland to be exact. Damn SquareEnix don't you have a normal account?

You don't need a new code normally. If you were in previous betas. Maybe ask the in beta forums? Sorry that I can not help much since I am playing on PC.Guess I should try my luck there. Thanks for the help anyways.Edit: Logged in to forums and got thisSince the valid character data is not present on your Square Enix Account, you are not allowed to log in to the forums.Even if the monthly fee is paid and a valid content ID is available, a valid character data needs to be present.Once the character is created, you will be eligible to log in to the forums. However, it may take some time until the character data is reflected to the system.How can I have a character if they were wiped after Phase 3 ended.?Seriously, I'm not even sure if the game is worth all this crap anymore lol. I've been refreshing my e-mail and seeing if the old client works all day because I'm so excited about the game, but all this crap is seriously starting to piss me off.That is really strange.

Maybe just wait till tomorrow. Where did you get the clinet? From the PSN store? Maybe re downloading it? Also I have my character from Version 1.0 so it is possible to have character data^^ But I do not know how its handled with PS3 users. : Guess I have no choice but to wait. I'm busy with work this weekend, so I could've saved at least bit time updating the client in advance but guess it won't work as I planned.I got the client from PSN store, I got a beta code for Phase 3 and used it on PSN.

I don't think it matters but I switched PS3 so I had to redownload the client after Phase 3 had already ended. I hope this isn't causing it.Maybe that could cause it yeah. Guess you have to wait then for the 17th and the open beta. But I would try it again tomorrow or redownload the client tomorrow first if possible. : Guess I have no choice but to wait. I'm busy with work this weekend, so I could've saved at least bit time updating the client in advance but guess it won't work as I planned.I got the client from PSN store, I got a beta code for Phase 3 and used it on PSN. I don't think it matters but I switched PS3 so I had to redownload the client after Phase 3 had already ended.

I hope this isn't causing it.Im purely spitballing here but all of the phase 3 clients for PC where out of date and needed to be redownloaded, its possible you also need to do this on PS3 but no idea if thats accurate. : Guess I have no choice but to wait. I'm busy with work this weekend, so I could've saved at least bit time updating the client in advance but guess it won't work as I planned.I got the client from PSN store, I got a beta code for Phase 3 and used it on PSN. I don't think it matters but I switched PS3 so I had to redownload the client after Phase 3 had already ended. I hope this isn't causing it.Im purely spitballing here but all of the phase 3 clients for PC where out of date and needed to be redownloaded, its possible you also need to do this on PS3 but no idea if thats accurate.Yep you need to download a new client for the PS3. So ok, this is what happened.

I got a code US code from fellow GiantBomb member, as I assumed it didn't work on EU account so I made US PSN account and downloaded the game.Launched with my 'main' account and everything went fine until it asked for the same promo code I used to download the game, then it said the code had already been used or wasn't correct.I give up at this point. Thank you everyone in this thread for help and big thank you to for the code, shame that it went to waste. If this major fuck up never wouldn't have happened, we'd be both playing the beta right now.:/. I spent way too much time on this game over the weekend when i finally got on, had around 4 hours sleep on Sat and the same again on Sun, got main job (Thaumaturge) to lvl 18 and my sub job (Conjurer) to lvl 9 so before i logged off last night i was able to cast heal as a black mage and destruction magic as a white.

Cannot wait to get back in there, has anyone been sent a url to redeem their early access codes yet? Im still waiting.I think the early access codes are supposed to go out on the 20th. Anybody want to try to sell me on FF14 as someone who enjoys traditional MMOs but knows nothing about this game?Honestly, I think it's hard game to sell without actually playing it. I had no interest in it until I actually started playing it, and it's hard to describe why I enjoy it on paper, since it doesn't do much different than most MMOs. Mainly it just takes a lot of good ideas from other MMOs and implements them in a pretty cohesive way.I do think the crafting system is pretty cool though, and a lot more engaging than what most MMOs do. Anybody want to try to sell me on FF14 as someone who enjoys traditional MMOs but knows nothing about this game?Honestly, I think it's hard game to sell without actually playing it. I had no interest in it until I actually started playing it, and it's hard to describe why I enjoy it on paper, since it doesn't do much different than most MMOs.

Mainly it just takes a lot of good ideas from other MMOs and implements them in a pretty cohesive way.I do think the crafting system is pretty cool though, and a lot more engaging than what most MMOs do.This pretty much. Let me just say though, I honestly think I've played 99% of noteworthy MMOs out there and this is, in my opinion, the best 'traditional' MMO by a mile. It takes all the best parts of other MMOs, but backs them with Square Enix style and production values which are second to none.And all though it is very 'traditional,' it still manages to feel somewhat different. It doesn't feel like a Western WoW clone and it certainly doesn't feel like a Korean grindfest. It feels very different in a lot of places and those places are the places that matter. Remember during E3 when Patrick and Jeff said FF15 looks like a Japanese Uncharted?

Well, then this feels like a Japanese Everquest (I know I said it wasn't a WoW-clone but listen lol). Their influences are as obviously as daylight, but they don't just copy & paste them and call it a day. Where other MMOs seem like they use their influences as a framework or a guidebook, FFXIV seems to use them as.well.influences. Like, 'oh, that's a good idea, but we're going to do it our way.' I'm trying not to oversell this game too much lol, but just trust me when I say to write it off as another traditional MMO wouldn't be wrong by any means. I feel it'd just be doing this game a disservice.

Ffxiv Unable To Complete Version Check Pc

Anybody want to try to sell me on FF14 as someone who enjoys traditional MMOs but knows nothing about this game?Honestly, I think it's hard game to sell without actually playing it. I had no interest in it until I actually started playing it, and it's hard to describe why I enjoy it on paper, since it doesn't do much different than most MMOs. Mainly it just takes a lot of good ideas from other MMOs and implements them in a pretty cohesive way.I do think the crafting system is pretty cool though, and a lot more engaging than what most MMOs do.This pretty much. Let me just say though, I honestly think I've played 99% of MMOs out there and this is, in my opinion, the best 'traditional' MMO by a mile. It takes all the best parts of other MMOs, but backs them with Square Enix style and production values which are second to none.Honestly, I'm not looking for anything revolutionary, just a good, traditional MMO experience. : Oh you'll definitely get that. I have found it very hard to get into MMOs specifically because of how they're structured (start at an area, go here kill X rats, move on to a new area, go here kill X wolves, etc).FFXIV is a really good version of that with gorgeous FF aesthetics/atmosphere, with the addition of some pretty neat stuff I don't think is in any other MMO (you can pursue any class, you can multiclass into an advanced 'job', and I agree with that the separate crafting & gathering classes with their own separate set of skills is pretty cool, a lot better than just watching a bar fill up).

: Oh you'll definitely get that. I have found it very hard to get into MMOs specifically because of how they're structured (start at an area, go here kill X rats, move on to a new area, go here kill X wolves, etc).There is a lot of that but each class has a separate story line, along with a main story narrative that. I'm not going to say it's the greatest story every told but it does make the main questing feel more like Star Wars Old Republic or Panderia WoW than go what you described. Not to mention cutscenes and a gorgeous world to get lost in. Worth the 30 dollars of admission if you ask me. But then again I'm a 1.0 player who's been vested in the game since 2010.

: Oh you'll definitely get that. I have found it very hard to get into MMOs specifically because of how they're structured (start at an area, go here kill X rats, move on to a new area, go here kill X wolves, etc).There is a lot of that but each class has a separate story line, along with a main story narrative that. I'm not going to say it's the greatest story every told but it does make the main questing feel more like Star Wars Old Republic or Panderia WoW than go what you described. Not to mention cutscenes and a gorgeous world to get lost in. Worth the 30 dollars of admission if you ask me.

Ffxiv unable to complete version check 30410

But then again I'm a 1.0 player who's been vested in the game since 2010.So am I:) Been waiting a long time for this game to be good.Yeah I'm not saying I dislike the game because of those tropes (which I think is what people mean when they mention traditional MMORPGs, but I might be mistaken since I never really get into them), I'm saying that you'll find them in FFXIV with the addition of other good stuff. I spent way too much time on this game over the weekend when i finally got on, had around 4 hours sleep on Sat and the same again on Sun, got main job (Thaumaturge) to lvl 18 and my sub job (Conjurer) to lvl 9 so before i logged off last night i was able to cast heal as a black mage and destruction magic as a white. Cannot wait to get back in there, has anyone been sent a url to redeem their early access codes yet? Im still waiting.I think the early access codes are supposed to go out on the 20th.Awesome, ill keep an eye on my mailbox then, thanks ^^.