Helms Deep Horn Sound
Boromir was never one of the 'main characters'. He was already a bit redundant as the second 'human male warrior' in the group of otherwise fantasy-diverse races of Elves Dwarves Wizards and halflings, just to have the entire 2nd and 3rd books/movies be about humans again. The story was obviously set up with Boromir as a throwaway characterThe main characters are magically immune to death.
Helms Deep Horn Sound Hd
Legolas or Gimli at least could have died without even impacting the story at all, but that would hurt the reader's fee fees. I disagree about him being meant as a throw away character. Boromir means an incredible amount to the story, particularly Aragon's journey. As a captain of Gondor's forces and the favored son of the Steward, he's essentially Gondor's badass poster boy, and he's everything that Aragorn SHOULD have been from the very beginning. Then Gondor's prized captain succumbs to the power of the ring, which makes it all the more impressive that Aragorn was able to resist when Frodo offered it to him. Not to mention Boromir's dying scene with Aragorn by his side is perhaps one if my favorite scenes of the whole trilogy.I've been reading a book that follows the growth of the characters through Tolkien's many many many revisions in the years preceding publication. In earlier drafts after trying to take the ring from Frodo, Boromir goes back to Gondor and actually becomes kind of a villain-esque character, whom Aragorn has to kill.
'A replica of the great horn used by King Helm during warfare. The Woodworker's Guild leader will accept this in exchange for a Sealed Emblem of Agility.' Feb 10, 2015 - Essentially movie only; we see the remaining people in Helm's Deep mount and ride out. Gimli, as the only dwarf, is also the only one not suited.

Helms Deep Horn Soundtrack
I personally am satisfied with him dying the way he did, because I think it's a huge catalyst for Aragorn deciding to become the man he was meant to be.