Rich As A Lannister
In addition to being powerful, the Lannisters are rich beyond the dreams of avarice. A common simile in the fictional, fantasy world of Game of Thrones is, “Rich as a Lannister!” Another, more common phrase is, “A Lannister always pays his debts.”. (Lannister sigil: gold lion en passant upon a crimson shield. Apr 17, 2013 - And in Westeros, the Lannisters have the cube of gold and the Tyrells with the rich farmland of the Reach have the real resources. You can't eat.
Economics of Ice & Fire I: House Tyrell Is Richer Than House Lannister. The Lannisters have the cube of gold and the Tyrells with the rich farmland of the Reach have the real resources.
The Game of Thrones is an ongoing battle for most of Westeros, noble houses often wage war against each-other to claim power, lands or justice. Over the many centuries in Westerosi history, many houses have come and gone. Some, like the, were once powerful houses that are unfortunately now extinct. It takes more than historical respect to stay in the great game, a house needs to be firm and ruthless.There are hundreds of houses with great history, plenty of which had kingdoms of their own.
I’ll be looking at houses that are still surviving to this day, ranking the 10 best!Rankings are dependant on their history, current strength and odds of surviving until the end of the show.10. House ReedThe Reed family is privy to all kinds of knowledge surrounding controversial events.
Is the only person alive to witness the events of the. Is another member to be traumatised by the Starks, losing while helping.Residing in h, House Reed is quite out of the way, rarely being troubled by the denizens of Westeros. Honorable to a fault, the only reason they didn’t join the North against the army of the dead, appears to be so they could all die together as a family. However, the Army of the Dead have been defeated, it’s possible House Reed can make an appearance again.9. House TullyHouse Tully has never had a member be named King of something but they still deserve a place on the list. Their heritage dates way back to the Age of Heroes, making them one of the oldest houses in Westeros.
Their castle was Riverrun, an almost invulnerable fortress that can repel any land invasion. Due to their location in the Riverlands, House Tully are a valuable ally to any who wish to gain notoriety in the area.While they’ve currently been stripped of all lands and titles, House Stark rules the North and are now extinct.
Riverrun is under Lannister control, it’s not know which House owns it. But it’s very possible that the Tullys could end up back in their ancestral home.As of the latest season, the last remaining Tully of importance is the dim-witted, gods help them.8. House GloverHaving decided to stay neutral during the hostilities between House Stark and, this house is still in-tact.
Currently occupying, they elected to not send aid to for the fight against the dead. Although these wars have been and gone, House Glover remain strong, it’s up to the North to decide what to do with them.We might see them stripped off their lands for breaking oaths, or maybe they’ll be forgiven.
I hope it’s addressed at some point, even a single line of relevant dialogue would be enough.7. House CleganeEasily the most confusing, broken yet powerful houses in Game of Thrones. House Clegane came into existence when a saved father, from a lioness.A vassal of House Lannister, they don’t have much land to their name, but they have 2 of the greatest fighters ever seen. Ser Gregor Clegane is currently an undead creature, we’re not really sure what is to be honest.

But he was nearly unkillable, now he could probably take on the 5 best swordsmen in Westeros on his own.Sandor Clegane however, has had a redemption arc, to say the least. No longer does he fight for gold or even loyalty, instead he does what he thinks is right.6. House BaratheonWhile they were extinct for the past season or so, House Baratheon had to make this list, mostly due the impact the Baratheons had on the continent. The founder of this great house was, a bastard half-brother to.
Yep, this means the Baratheon’s we see in the show are of Targaeryen descent. Orys took the great castle of from the and pretty much took over everything else, including their motto and sigil.The Baratheons would serve as a loyal and powerful house to the, until Robert’s Rebellion of course. Robert Baratheon crushed the Targaryen dynasty and took the Iron Throne for himself. We all know what happened after that.Gendry Rivers is now known as, Lord of Storm’s End. He has to re-take the castle first of course!5. House GreyjoyHailing from the lands of the, House Greyjoy epitomise the meaning of. The Greyjoys can trace their ancestry back to the, a legendary Ironborn King surrounded by tales and legend. While the Greyjoys are in a fair amount of disarray as of the current series, their might stretches back thousands of years as they’ve ruled the Iron Islands from.4.
House ArrynDespite House Arryn being one of the “newer” houses of Westeros, they still have a rich history and powerful reputation across Westeros. Originally of a pure line, they’ve inter-married with the blood-lines of the First Men but are still considered to be the closest related House to the Andals. The land in which they reside is a natural fortification, it’s genuinely impossible for an army to take the.It took many generations to erect the great structure of the, deemed impregnable by any who know its name. In recent years, House Arryn has taken a massive downturn as only the pitiful Robyn Arryn remains to continue the family name. Knights of the Vale are still among the in the entirety of Westeros though, I’m sure House Arryn will still be going strong in 100 years.3. House LannisterThe Lannisters are one of the most recognisable “factions” in TV history, they owe a debt of gratitude to, who helped form this House.
Before the Andals invaded, the served as and was one of the richest nobles in Westeros.For many centuries, House Lannister would pull the strings of Westeros by controlling the gold supply. Their lands are rich with wealth, allowing them to build up great riches, land and respect. Then Aegon the Conqueror would appear, forcing the Lannisters to submit to Targaryen rule, there they became Lord Paramounts of the Westerlands.Their greatest height since that day came after Robert’s Rebellion, as owed vast amounts of gold to. This led to Tywin being the true power of Westeros for many years.Now though, House Lannister is still a powerhouse as they rule from the Iron Throne and is pregnant, providing an heir to continue the family name.2.
Why Are The Lannisters So Powerful
House TargaryenOriginating from the great Kingdom of Valyria, House Targaryen is by far the best House to ever grace Westeros. The Targaryen dynasty is unparalleled in terms of magnitude, no other House will ever rule as largely for as long. Their first castle was, erected after was told by his to flee Essos. There they resided with their dragons until the, the city of Volantis attempted to take control of Essos but they were swiftly ended by the young Aegon Targaryen.Shortly after was kept in checked, Aegon turned his sights to Westeros.
He and his conquered Westeros with the use of dragons, kicking off the start of the Targaryen Dynasty. Countless wars, tales & stories would be born during the rule of Targaryens. In general though, the dynasty was actually quite peaceful and prosperous compared to the centuries beforehand.Then the had to go and spoil everything, bringing about Robert’s Rebellion and ending the great Targaryen dynasty. Daenerys and Targaryen made it out alive, with only one of them surviving to this day.There was hope for a united Westeros, as Daenerys and fell in love. What an alliance it would have been.
If not for us finding out that Jon Snow’s real name is Aegon Targaeryen. Dany’s army is currently depleted, as well as having just the one dragon left. Hope and potential do remain for House Targaryen, though.1. House StarkThe most northern house on the list is also one of the oldest and greatest.
Founded by Bran the Builder during the Age of Heroes, House Stark would go on to be a massive influence in Westeros. They would rule as Kings of Winter from their mighty castle Winterfell, there they managed to maintain control of the North for thousands of years, however difficult it was. No southern invader has ever got even a sniff of rule over the North, save for Aegon the Conqueror.King bent the knee to Aegon, to spare his people the fate of dragonfire. Since that day, the Starks of Winterfell have ruled as. After King Robert Baratheon’s death, circumstances drastically changed for House Stark as they were subject to tragedy after tragedy.
Some members managed to pull through, with three Starks currently residing at Winterfell.With the news of Jon Snow being a Targaryen, seems to be the head of House Stark right now. Located far in the North during Winter, there’s no way any other house could even think about invading. House Stark have the North, we’ll have to see how it plays out over the rest of the season!
Game of Thrones, Game of Thrones 1x06 - A Golden Crown, Game of Thrones S01E06 Tyrion Lannister (Peter Dinklage)Mord! - About the gold No gold! Listen to me! Listen to me. Sometimes possession is an abstract concept When they captured me, they took my purse, but the gold is still mine.
I don't know where, but when they free me You want free? Have you ever heard the phrase 'rich as a Lannister'? Of course you have! You're a smart man. You know who the Lannisters are. I am a Lannister. Tyrion, son of Tywin!
And of course, you have also heard the phrase, 'a Lannister always pays his debts.' If you deliver a message from me to Lady Arryn, I will be in your debt. I will owe you gold. If you deliver the message and I live, which I very much intend to do. What message? Tell her I wish to confess my crimes.