Homeworld Remastered General Failure Mods

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Juts got homeworld remastered today and whenever I try to play the single player, the game crashes with either general failure or acess violation. I've searched the internet and I've only found vague answers. Any input would be appreciated as its my first time experiencing homeworld. The judges have now spoken and the results for the SpaceBattles Space House Competition are now in! Click here to see the results and feel free to comment on the entries (or the judges evaluations). You can also reach the results thread by visiting the Contest Submissions subforum in the Makers Common forum. Just a reminder, post editing has been disabled in the Contest Submissions subforum. Jun 01, 2015  whatever i go to remastered homeworld 1 and/or 2/ or mods game crashed Uninstall and reinstall C 2012, that fixed mine earlier today I can confirm that the c 2012 was causing my general failure. I just chose repair for the installation of 2012 c runtimes, both x86 and x64 then magically the game is working.

Homeworld remastered reviewHomeworld Remastered General Failure Mods

I don't follow WH40K so I wouldn't know. In fact so far the only mod that I'm aware of that's been shut down was this Mass Effect mod for Battle of Middle Earth II: Rise of the Witch King, and that was EA's doing, cause after buying BioWare, they controlled the Mass Effect IP, not BioWare.That's a link to a collection someone put together, it's LITERALLY entire army's and battleground's for 40k.But I know WHY GW doesn't care, and that's because you still need the official rulebooks and all to play, you need the base rules, and codex for each army.Still, old GW, would have shut this down in an instant. Despite the fact, no one's making money on it.it's really not easy though, these decisions on what to strike down, and what not to. Strike some things down, you incur the wrath of you're entire fanbase. Strike others down and no one cares.HG just has a habbit of screwing with an entire different IP they have nothing to do with beyond 5 or so designs that arguably don't even belong to them. But I know WHY GW doesn't care, and that's because you still need the official rulebooks and all to play, you need the base rules, and codex for each army.I am 100% sure that project is only allowed to exist because GW does not know about it.I dare you to be the guy who ruins it for everyone else and reports the mod to GW.They killed a fan game that was far less IP infringing not even 2 years ago and haven't gone through any leadership changes since then.Loose lips sinked many ships and every 40k fan is painfully aware of that. They killed a fan game that was far less IP infringing not even 2 years ago and haven't gone through any leadership changes since then.They killed multiple such fan games over the years, largely by heavy-handed legal threats.I was involved with one that was loosely based around one of their secondary IPs, and after receiving a C&D (and unsuccessfully trying to obtain proper permissions) retooled to a generic Sci-fi setting.

A year later they tried to kill it again (despite the new setting and assets), but oddly enough, after being presented with a perfectly reasonable and civil response, replied they'll get back to us and never did. Please prove all of this or try harder, because I've never seen one shot from the Battletech team with any unseen, and I backed it on Kickstarter ASAP.

How To Install Homeworld Remastered Mods

Also if you reference back to HG's original court documents for bringing HBS to court, the images used, were not at all any reprisentation of any of the Macross unseen, in fact, correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they actually tired to use the ATLAS as one of the battlemechs they considerd as 'infringing.' So no, they didn't 'Reach an agreement.'

No agreement was made, the suit, was dismissed with predjuice. That's a BAD THING FOR HG, and A GOOD THING FOR US.LOL.


Whatever you say. I guess I’ve been pwned on the Internet. By the way, a guy a few posts up posted a 22 minute HBS video with a Marauder. Try extra crispy with that crow.Edited by Chados, 15 April 2018 - 01:07 PM. That footage doesn't provide any obvious paralells. Even a drunk redneck can see that MW:O Archer and the Spartan are one and the same, with a minor facelift if you put them next to each other like HG have.

Cutting out some tiny overhead shots and trying to match them up with a 3/4ths view of the Zentradi machine would do them no good when it comes to resolving the issue in an actual court session.Isnt part of the mess being determined if whether or not HG has anything to stand on when talking about derivative works? That is one thing I believe PGI truly did not help themselves. I love Alex's artwork but it was for only one variant of a mech, but once the actual modeling was done those should have been replaced with in-game representations AS WELL as the other stock variants, especially for the 'Unseen'. The one thing I have not seen are Macross derivatives in its storyline or games.I do hate MWO archer design. Move the cockpit halfway up and have the missle doors open to the sides.All of MWO in-game models for the Unseen are different enough from the original Macross designs to be their own, inspired but still different enough, while also not being used in the Macross universe setting. And isn't part of PGI counter argument is that HG does not actual own the 'characters' much less any derivative rights, and how far off would those derivative rights extend?.

All of MWO in-game models for the Unseen are different enough from the original Macross designs to be their own, inspired but still different enough, while also not being used in the Macross universe setting. And isn't part of PGI counter argument is that HG does not actual own the 'characters' much less any derivative rights, and how far off would those derivative rights extend?If this went to trial it would not be about the models being or not being derivatives. Rather, if HG proved their legal standing, it would be about what exactly constitutes the protectible trade dress of each Macross design and whether or not the PGI design infringes on that (cf: FASA v Playmates. Again)Edited by Horseman, 15 April 2018 - 02:41 PM. All of MWO in-game models for the Unseen are different enough from the original Macross designs to be their own, inspired but still different enough, while also not being used in the Macross universe setting.I would say you are 90% correct. While it looks like most, if not all of the IS unseen cast are redesigns of the unseen, we have odd balls like the Marauder IIC which are clearly redesigned reseens since the in game model looks nothing like the Marauder IIC Unseen. I don't mind this for future reseen redesigns, but I wish PGI would chose alternatives from other concept artists like Rick Harris's Rifleman IIC (which honors the unseen artwork, but takes a completely new redesign on the classic while making it look awesome).

Homeworld Remastered General Failure Mods 2

On information and belief, Does 1–10 (collectively, the “Doe Defendants”) are individuals and business entities who have participated or assisted in the conduct alleged herein or are otherwise responsible therefor.The identities of these Doe Defendants presently are not and cannot be known to Harmony Gold, but these persons and/or entities will be added as named defendants to this action as and when they are identified (collectively, Harebrained Schemes LLC, Harebrained Holdings, Inc., Weisman, Piranha Games, Catalyst Game Labs and the Doe Defendants are referred to herein as “Defendants”). Literally nobody. It's a carte blanche for adding new defendants to the case that HG left themselves in their complaint:So basically HG left a spot in the lawsuit for new defendants that might be revealed during the lawsuit. (Probably something like 3rd parties used by PGI or Harebrained that produced material for them?). But no such parties were identified by now, and now new parties can't be added.

But since it's a 'dismissed without prejudice', HG could file a new lawsuit if it becomes aware of such parties later. (unless the 'failure to prosecute' has additional implications?) But for the purposes of this lawsuit, its over.Seems like it's mostly a procedural technicality. Whatever you say. I guess I’ve been pwned on the Internet.

By the way, a guy a few posts up posted a 22 minute HBS video with a Marauder. Try extra crispy with that crow.you missed later, where I admitted that yes, there was a marauder.

It was in one of the very first video's, and I overlooked it because it's a top-down shot and wasn't specifically thinking it was a marauder at the time.Also, considering it was pre-alpha footage, and not at all representative of the final product. Well there you go, they could have been using disney princesses in place of the battlemechs and it wouldn't have mattered, because it likely wouldn't make it to the final release. You missed later, where I admitted that yes, there was a marauder. It was in one of the very first video's, and I overlooked it because it's a top-down shot and wasn't specifically thinking it was a marauder at the time.Also, considering it was pre-alpha footage, and not at all representative of the final product. Well there you go, they could have been using disney princesses in place of the battlemechs and it wouldn't have mattered, because it likely wouldn't make it to the final release.Is that going to be a mod for battletech? The mechs are replaced by Disney princesses.

And that’s the point. Again, stipulated dismissals only happen when both sides are in agreement. The judge didn’t dismiss it. He merely entered an order on agreement of the parties. And Harmony Gold got what it wanted regarding Weisman and Harebrained without having to put it before a jury, saving resources it now can throw at PGI.Anyone with an ounce of clear-eyed common sense, minimal proficiency in reading English, and any legal experience whatsoever can see easily who got what and thus who won this part of the lawsuit at the end of the day. HBS gets not to be sued and doesn’t have to pay HG’s legal costs.

Nothing else. Status quo ante except no Unseen for them. So they’re worse off than they started because originally they had that Marauder in the build and now, no Marauder. Harmony Gold got no Unseen in HBS’s game, which it’s been after from jump, with no more effort than it already has expended. Again, the Marauder in the alpha build is.gone. What did Harmony Gold want?

No Unseen in HBS’s game. This isn’t advanced rocket science. HG let Weisman go because Weisman caved in.But by all means, keep spinning all you like. It won’t change the bottom line: No Unseen in HBS’s Battletech. I don’t like it any more than the rest of you, the Rifleman is my all time favorite mech. But I’m not going to lie to myself either.Edited by Chados, 16 April 2018 - 08:51 AM.