Medieval 2 Total War Holy Roman Empire

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Third age total war

The Holy Roman Empire originates in the eastern half of Charlemagne's empire, divided after his death. In 800, Charlemagne had received from the pope the title of Emperor ( Imperator Augustus ), reminiscent of the title held by Roman emperors, both in the Rome of old and in the Byzantium of the time. Games Based on History: Medieval 2 Total War. The grand campaign, the central game mode, is set between the years 1080 and 1530 and focuses on a number of aspects of the medieval era: warfare, religion and politics. The game world is set around Europe, North Africa and the Middle East.


Medieval 2 Total War Holy Roman Empire Army

Holy Roman Empirelat. It looks like they've already got Swiss Pikemen and Genoese Crossbowmen. Landsknechts will almost certainly have to be added to the mercenary roster! One would hope at least. It would be interesting too to see if the technological research could unlock various mercenaries and make them available for recruitment to show the progression of time.

Medieval 2 Total War Holy Roman Empire Flag

After all the Landsknechts came much later in the Medieval period perhaps early Renaissance if I'm correct. It wouldn't make much sense for them to show up much earlier than that.