Revelation Online Low Fps

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Revelation online low fps chart

Revelation Online Low Fps 1

If you're on Nvidia - hit up the Control Panel by clicking on your tab bar.Choose the Nvidia Control Panel.Go to Manage 3D Settings - Global Settings.Find where it says Power Management Mode and set it to Prefer Maximum Performance.Also make sure your Windows Power Option is also set to Maximum Performance.The game should run way better for most of you now. Least I'm getting constant 60 FPS now.Another thing I did - Forced Vsync through the Nvidia CP and hit up Triple Buffering. Game runs flawless now - all that's needed is the actual 1080p option itself.

RevelationRevelation Online Low Fps

No fixes for the sound volume yet though.:(EDIT: If you're using GeDoSaTo for the 1080p patch - this won't save you from random drops. This method works best for 720p - nothing yet on post GDST.

Revelation Online Low Fps

CPU slightly loaded while low FPS Sign in to follow this. CPU slightly loaded while low FPS. By HelliosRed-KT, June 2, 2018 in Player to Player Support. Recommended Posts. Frames drop to 18-20 only when you are surrounded with many online players (like in central city of Norsvold) because that way works the AION engine game. Jun 1, 2017 - Revelation Online lag, FPS drop, high latency, login issues. Temporary set all graphics settings in the game menu to lowest. Revelation Online Frames per second, Revelation Online system screen. Revelation Online Frame Rate Chart Options. Game Graphics Settings.