Fallout 4 Ending Shaun

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Nov 11, 2015  This feature is not available right now. Please try again later. So don't install this mod if you don't actually plan on moving Shaun. You can't move Shaun before the end of the game/he gives you Father's holotape. You can't move Shaun back to the Institute as it's not a settlement. You can't move Shaun to Home Plate as it's not a 'real' settlement.

Okay well I didn't play much Fallout 3 and Oblivion was the last Bethesda main quest I finished despite putting a good chunk of time into Skyrim. I've finished the Fallout 4 main story twice now so needless to say I found it a lot more compelling overall than Skyrim and Fallout 3's. Though now I have an itch to play another Bethesda game so I might go back to Fallout 3 and give it another honest shot.spoilers ahead.My first playthrough of Fallout 4 I sided with the Railroad, worked with the synths in the Institute to stage the mass break-out, and then nuked the Institute by blowing up their reactor. I found it more than satisfying. Standing on top of the Mass Atomic building and watching the mushroom cloud appear over the skyline of the city I thought was a perfect end to the game.My second playthrough I played a darker/more morally ambiguous character and had her align fully with the Institute. So that story ended by leading the siege on Boston Airport and turning the giant Brotherhood of Steel robot against the Brotherhood, destroying their airship.

Fallout 4 Ending ShaunFallout 4 Ending Shaun

I thought convincing the robot that the Brotherhood blimp was a Communist invasion was one of the funnier moments in the game but overall found this ending much less satisfying than the Railroad. With the Railroad you took down both the Brotherhood and the Institute and the mission taking down the Brotherhood through the Railroad felt a lot more fun. With the Institute you kind of just plow through the Railroad and take out the Brotherhood and then it's over.I didn't realize until after finishing this second playthrough that you can in fact finish the story by aligning with the Minuteman. I'm taking a good, long break from this game for now but when I come back to it at some point I'm going to try doing it that way.edit; I skimmed that post you linked to OP and I don't see how the Institute is clearly humanity's best hope? It seems to me their synths have obviously started developing some sort of consciousness and self-awareness but the Institute is still nevertheless intent on keeping them as slave labor. After all my time with the game they still seem the most 'evil' faction to me.

Edit; I skimmed that post you linked to OP and I don't see how the Institute is clearly humanity's best hope? It seems to me their synths have obviously started developing some sort of consciousness and self-awareness but the Institute is still nevertheless intent on keeping them as slave labor. After all my time with the game they still seem the most 'evil' faction to me.The reactor / the facility is humanity's best hope, not the slavery. They're definitely the most evil faction, but no need to blow up that sweet reactor.

I just couldn't get past the game shoving the Shaun reveal in my face with no real impact. Like, if this old dude is really my lost son, can't we just sit down for a nice cold Nuka-cola and catch up first?I just wanna know how Shaun's doing.

Fallout 4 Ending Shaun Paul

I don't really want to go meet all of your subordinates right now man, I just wanna know how your life's been! The game never sold it to me, so I sort of distanced my character from him, and then proceeded to blow him up with all his scientific progress. He could've been the most interesting character in the game! There's so much family matters to work with there! But Shaun completely fell flat for me. Okay, that makes some sense. Though the Railroad is a small group of people that couldn't lead a full-on assault, so using the reactor may be one of their only viable ways to attack the Institute.Agreed, the relationship with Shaun could have been handled a lot better.

Fallout 4 Shaun After Railroad Ending

Though it could be unsatisfying partly just because of his character. Letting you out of the Vault was just an experiment to him. He seems emotionally detached most of the time. Not sure if the relationship is lacking because of weakness in the writing of his character or just his flawed personality. Probably some of both.

I initially finished the game and followed the Institute ending. Although, it was a bummer to take out the Railroad at that point.

At the end of the game, I so desperately wanted some goofy plot twist where it turns out little Sean (the synth) is actually your real son, and Father Sean is someone else. Not the case though.I then went back to an end game save and checked out the Railroad, Brotherhood, and Minutemen endings. They sort of all left a lot to be desired.That being said, it was cool to take over the castle for the Minutemen, but building the artillery was a chore! I went with the Institute because despite that whole body snatching and robot kill squad thing, they seemed like the faction with the best chance of actually getting the stupid setting out of the contrived wasteland it's been stuck in for hundreds of years. Also because those Railroad people were all sarcastic jerks and I was pretty sure I'd get to kill them at some point if I sided with the Institute.

Fallout 4 Ending Shaun

The best part was when they sent me to kill Desdemona, she pulled me aside and started badmouthing my Minutemen buddies, so shooting up her basement of fetishistic nutjobs was even sweeter.I think it's weird though to criticize a mediocre ending in a game filled with mediocre writing. I guess because the ending is usually the last plot-related thing you see it sticks with you more, but after everything so far, what would make you think there would be anything except more of the same? It's the same deal with people getting mad at Mass Effect 3's crap ending when everything that happened over the course of the entire game was total crap. You eventually realize there isn't anything worth getting invested in, so you either pick out the parts you do like or stop playing and complain on the internet. As soon as I saw my baby getting stolen from the cryopod, I said 'welp they're gonna reveal he's the head of the evil organization after a much bigger time skip' and when it happened I laughed and laughed!