Star Trek Valkyrie Class

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Federation Ship Requisitions Screen on PC For an overview of non-playable starships within Star Trek Online, see the articlePlayable in are as much a part of a player's avatar as their.Players are granted ships by, the, or the as they progress in rank. At each new between Level 10 and Level 40, players are given a for the respective tier. The last token they get, at level 61, is for a Tier 5 ship which can be made T5-U.After this, any new Tier 5 (fleet, T5-U) or Tier 6 (fleet) ships must be bought with, or from a fleet, for and, or lastly, won from a or a promotion or event.The abilities and stats of a starship are determined by the starship's tier, type, the equipment loadout, traits, bridge officers and power system management.

  1. Star Trek Valkyrie Class Carrier

Starfleet:Small Craft.Low-Tier shipsTier 1Tier 2Tier 3Tier 4. Starter Ship-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-High-Tier shipsor ✓ means this ship may be upgraded to Tier 5-U capabilitiesTier 5 - Level 40Tier 5 - Level 50Tier 6unless otherwise noted.These ships scale from any level up to their appropriate stats.-.-. ✓.- ✓. ✓. ✓.- ✓.- ✓.

Star Trek Valkyrie Class Carrier

✓. Odyssey Star Cruisers:-.-.-.-.-.-. Flagship Star Cruisers (T6).

Star Trek Valkyrie ClassValkyrie

Leviathan: The USS Valkyrie has successfully made first contact with an unusual spaceborne alien from another Universe. The creature, known as Nomad, emerged from a rift in the vicinity of the USS Tower Bridge, and unleashed an energy pulse which disabled the Akira Class starship. Star-Trek fan fiction. ABOUT: Welcome to USS Valkyrie, my series of Star Trek fan-fiction, featuring original characters and an alternate universe that takes quite a few liberties with Star Trek canon. If I had to sum up what Valkyrie is all about I might start with something like this: The year is 2372.

. Published on Feb 27, 2014. This is your chance folks. If you have even just a basic story idea it could have the potential for a great script and story credit will be given if it's used.