Understanding The Gruenfeld Pdf

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Taimanov 4.Nf3 Bg7 5.Bg5In this line, favoured by, after the nearly universal 5.Ne4, White plays 6.Bh4 or 6.cxd5, with Black then opting for either 6.Nxc3 7.bxc3 Qxd5 or 6.Nxg5 7.Nxg5 e6. In the latter case, 7.c6 is sometimes tried.

Understanding the Grunfeld by Jonathan Rowson, 098, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. We use cookies to give you the best possible. Understanding the Grunfeld - Download as PDF File (.pdf) or view presentation slides online.

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Understanding The Grunfeld Pdf Format

6.Nxd5 grabbing the pawn loses a piece after 6.Nxg5 7.Nxg5 e6. After 6.cxd5 Nxg5 7.Nxg5 e6, White has 8.Qd2 exd5 9.Qe3+, with attacking chances (though the interpolation 8.h6 9.Nf3 exd5 is a significant alternative), or the more usual 8.Nf3 exd5 after which play generally proceeds on lines analogous to the, Exchange Variation, with a queenside minority attack by White (b2–b4–b5xc6), as Black aims for his traditional kingside play with.f7–f5–f4 and, in this case.g6–g5. 4.Bf4For players who do not wish to take on the complexities of the Exchange Variation, the move 4. Bf4 is generally considered a safer continuation for White. White opts for the initiative on the queenside with a smaller pawn centre. In the main line (D82), play proceeds with 4.Bg7 5.e3 c5 6.dxc5 Qa5, with White's choices at his seventh move being cxd5, Qb3, Qa4, or Rc1. Despite its reputation, in statistical databases this variation shows only a slightly higher percentage of White wins and draws, as opposed to the Exchange variation.

Understanding The Gruenfeld Pdf Download


Understanding The Grunfeld Pdf File

The variation is not often met in top-flight play today, its usage having declined significantly since its heyday in the 1930s. Illustrative game Smyslov vs.