Eso Launcher Slow Download

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Eso Launcher Slow Download
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Eso launcher download

Alright so I'm hoping this is the appropriate forum to post this.My internet speeds provided by my ISP shows I should be getting 20+ mbps on and speakeasy, with 1-2 mb upload speed. However, when I'm downloading something (say WoW) PTR. The download speed displayed at the bottom of the WoW launcher says I'm only getting 800kbs to 1mbps. Also tried installing LoL, download speed was also 800kbs.Keep in mind that I'm using an n600 Netgear wireless router, and I do understand that using a wireless router can slow internet speeds, but should it be slowing this drastically?

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And why does say 20+ mbs?If I went completely wired instead of wireless would that fix the problem? Alright so I'm hoping this is the appropriate forum to post this.My internet speeds provided by my ISP shows I should be getting 20+ Mbps on and speakeasy, with 1-2 Mbps upload speed. However, when I'm downloading something (say WoW) PTR.

The download speed displayed at the bottom of the WoW launcher says I'm only getting 800kB/s to 1MB/s. Also tried installing LoL, download speed was also 800kB/s.Keep in mind that I'm using an n600 Netgear wireless router, and I do understand that using a wireless router can slow internet speeds, but should it be slowing this drastically? And why does say 20+ Mbps?If I went completely wired instead of wireless would that fix the problem?FTFY. Alright so I'm hoping this is the appropriate forum to post this.My internet speeds provided by my ISP shows I should be getting 20+ mbps on and speakeasy, with 1-2 mb upload speed. However, when I'm downloading something (say WoW) PTR. The download speed displayed at the bottom of the WoW launcher says I'm only getting 800kbs to 1mbps. Also tried installing LoL, download speed was also 800kbs.Keep in mind that I'm using an n600 Netgear wireless router, and I do understand that using a wireless router can slow internet speeds, but should it be slowing this drastically?

And why does say 20+ mbs?If I went completely wired instead of wireless would that fix the problem?The thing is you have a 20 Mbps connectionwith a 1MBps download speed.mega bit = advertised speedmega byte = speed shown on PC1MBPs is pretty good speed or the connectionEDIT: fixed the quote. Most of the above is true.It isn't 20 Megabytes, it's 20 Megabits.The download speed is not necessarily due to you using wireless. WoW downloader has a tendancy to be lower than other download methods due to the fact that it is P2P (similar to torrents).

As a result of this you are also UPLOADING which will eat away at some of your bandwidth.Speed also depends on your ISP. Some ISPs will 'share' the connection with people from around your area. Using it at peak times will give you slightly lower download speeds.Finally, and the main reason most people notice a speed drop, is due to the distance from the exchange.I also have ' 20Mb internet' and I get 200KB/s.

Think yourself lucky; 1MB/s is VERY Good.I suggest finding/using a site such as the paid FilePlanet service, or an FTP site hosted close to you. That way you can see what you should be getting. What people always fail to realize is, you have to take into account, copper degradation aswell as distance from exchange, for e.g i live 4km wired distance from my exchange, i pay for a 20megabit connection, but due to my large distance from the exchange i am only available to achieve 3megabits download speed. This is on ADSL2+ which uses copper wire's which when used in long distances are weak. If you live far from the exchange Cable / fiber optic is your best bet, as they maintain maximum speed for a certain KM before they begin to degrade in speed, where as copper is much shorter before it begins to degrade.Also there are is also wear and tear, cables degrade connection weaken and speed suffer, aswell as some ISP's load sharing, meaning more people using the internet the slower it gets.

Allot of things need to be taken into account, not just the fact that your on a wired, or wireless connection. I get the same speeds using my wireless USB connection to my router, aswell as when i am on a wired connection.

If your connection is a 20meg connection, divide it by 8 and that is ROUGHLY what you should be getting in download 20 meg = 2.5 so you should be getting 2.5 Megabytes per second.For those who don't know;There are 8 bits in 1 byte.ISP's show their speeds in bits, so if you buy a 50meg connection you are getting a 50 megaBITS per second. Divide that number by 8 and you will get roughly the connection you are buying.

Eso Launcher Slow Download Speed

Keep in mind, this should be the complete maximum you can achieve, and there are multiple factors that lower the speed you will get down your cable.For example, Using your net at peek times will reduce the speed you download at (Some ISP's limit at peek times so everyone gets the same amount). Also things like the length of your cable, using wireless, bad Network adaptor, bad router. All of those things can reduce the speed of your incoming connection.I normally divide it by 8 to get the bytes (In your case 2.5) and then take off 30% - between the 2 numbers you get should be the speeds you will see (so 1.75mb/s - 2.5mb/s).Hope this helps. 1 Megabyte is slow for a 20 Megabit connection.I get 1.8 megabyte with a 15 megabit connectionI am using wired however got a router and switch between my pc and modemHm.

If I went wired and used a wireless router to route my Ethernet cables (I would have one going to my computer and one to my xbox) would that slow my connection as well, compared to just wiring it straight from my cable modem?I'm not talking about using both the xbox and pc at the same time, I just mean will using the wireless router as an ethernet 'hub'(sotospeak) slow the connection? If I went wired and used a wireless router to route my Ethernet cables (I would have one going to my computer and one to my xbox) would that slow my connection as well, compared to just wiring it straight from my cable modem?I'm not talking about using both the xbox and pc at the same time, I just mean will using the wireless router as an ethernet 'hub'(sotospeak) slow the connection?The router shouldn't slow the connection down at all if you're wired in. Unless it's a crappy router like the Belkin one I owned for 3 days before returning. If your connection is a 20meg connection, divide it by 8 and that is ROUGHLY what you should be getting in download 20 meg = 2.5 so you should be getting 2.5 Megabytes per second.For those who don't know;There are 8 bits in 1 byte.ISP's show their speeds in bits, so if you buy a 50meg connection you are getting a 50 megaBITS per second. Divide that number by 8 and you will get roughly the connection you are buying. Keep in mind, this should be the complete maximum you can achieve, and there are multiple factors that lower the speed you will get down your cable.For example, Using your net at peek times will reduce the speed you download at (Some ISP's limit at peek times so everyone gets the same amount).

Also things like the length of your cable, using wireless, bad Network adaptor, bad router. All of those things can reduce the speed of your incoming connection.I normally divide it by 8 to get the bytes (In your case 2.5) and then take off 30% - between the 2 numbers you get should be the speeds you will see (so 1.75mb/s - 2.5mb/s).Hope this helps.Wolfram is pretty good for converting as well.You can even find out download times. It does though, depending on your router, but i was able to add around 2 mbytes up/down to my throughput by flashing my wrt54g with dd-wrtIf you're talking about over lan (not wireless) then that's really.weird.I was using an old wrt54g before it broke a couple weeks ago (was weird.

It just stopped carrying tcp packets, but everything else worked) and it gave the same internet speed as plugging directly into the modem (and the same as my new gigabit router Cisco Valet Plus). May have been something wrong with your firmware or settings causing it to slow down, who knows.