How To Install Floris

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  1. How To Install Floris 2.55
  2. Floris Evolved Mod How To Install
  3. How To Install Floris Expanded
  • Hey guys, I just downloaded the floris mod pack and I thought there was supposed to be an installer with it? I can't find it anywhere. I also can't find a guide to how to manually install this mod, anyone know how to?
  • R/mountandblade: A subreddit and community for the Mount & Blade series, created by TaleWorlds Entertainment.

FLORIS and its dependencies can be installed with: pip install floris. Executing FLORIS. Floris is an importable package and should be driven by a custom script. We have provided an example driver script at example/ and a Jupyter notebook detailing a real world use case at example/FLORISRunNotebook.ipynb.

Floris Mod PackWelcome to the Floris Mod Pack. This is a combination of a lot of good mods created by the community, bringing them all together and enhancing your gameplay experience.Originally this pack started as a side project of my After Action Report (AAR), but soon it had grown into a very full package in its own right. Due to all the different mods and features this pack has grown quite large in size, and asks a lot from your computer. To make Floris available to as many people as possible, we made several different versions:. Basic: This is just Native gameplay with some added music, sounds and items.

If want to play Native with a little extra, this version is the one for you!. Gameplay: This version is a downgraded version of Expanded, allowing people with lower computer specifications to still experience Floris.

Expanded: This version contains everything Floris has to offer. Dev Suite: If you're a modder yourself and you'd wish to fiddle with Floris, this is what you need: the source and all resources you'll need to build your own version(s).Here are some general notes:. Since Floris is quite large, it might strain slower pc's. If Expanded tends to run slow on your machine, you might try the Gameplay or Basic version.

Because of this enormous size, the loading time of the mod is longer than you are used to. Have patience!. The basic version is compatible with any native savegame. Gameplay and Expanded are NOT savegame compatible with Native or any older version of Floris.

If you have any request for an additional mod to be added, just head to the, and I'll see what I can arrange for the next version. If you discover a bug, you can report it in the. If you might help or if you run across problems, you should first read the. If no solution is provided over there, you can always ask at. If you want to use this pack in your own mod, you'll have to ask the authors of each mod in this pack for their permission (check the respective topics!). For the stuff created by me: you can use it as long as you give credit.

First, make sure that you've uninstalled any previous versions of Floris before installing the new one.After you've downloaded the installer from one of the mirrors, double click it. Please have patience while Windows starts the installer: since it is so large, it might take a minute to start. First you might get a warning (depending on your windows version): just click yes to continue.After you've clicked yes, you get to choose the language you want to install the mod in. Currently there are four languages to choose from: English (default), French, German and Polish.After you selected your language, you get to the welcome screen of the installer, stating which version you're about to install. Click Next.Here you see the license agreement.

Don't worry, it won't bite. It just makes you aware of the FAQ. Accept and click Next.Here you see a short description of the different version you can install. Once you read it, click Next.Here you select the installation directory. Automatically your Warband's Module folder will be selected, but you can change it if you prefer to install the mod somewhere else. Make sure you select the Main Warband folder. If you have an older version installed, it might include Modules in the path: just delete that extra addition.

Once done, click Next.A message pops up, saying that the main Warband folder already exists. Of course it does. Click Yes to install there.Now you can select which version to install: The Basic version, Gameplay version or the Expanded version. The Dev Suite is only interesting for you if you want to work with the source and/or devellop your own version.

There are also some extra options available. Don't worry if you want to change it later: an extra folder is created which includes these alternative choices, so you can later switch without the need to reinstall.Once you selected the version)s) you'd like to install, you get an overview. Click Install to start the installation.You wait a bit untill the installation is done.You're done! Click Finish to close the installer.Uninstall instructions. If you want to uninstall the mod, you can of course just delete it from your Module folder.

Floris moddb

But the proper way is to use the uninstaller, which you can find in the Module folder. Double-click it. First you might get a warning (depending on your windows version): just click yes to continue.After that you'll get a notification asking if you're sure you want to uninstall all Floris 2.54 versions (gameplay, Expanded, Basic, Dev Suite) you installed previously.

This is in the language you installed the mod in. Click Yes.You wait a bit untill the uninstallation is done.You're done! Click Ok to close the uninstaller.ScreenshotsTo get an impression of the pack, you might have a look at the topic.

Here's an impression:Worldmap. Swadian Opening Scene:Tavern visit:Tevarin Castle and its neighbouring village Balanli:Renewed tournaments:Battles:Improved landscapes:SourcesThere are quite some mods, scripts and other sources used, sometimes partially, in the Floris Mod Packs. Here I list them all.

I made some handy categories, but I didn't list mods 'double': if I used for example both items and skins from one mod, I listed it under one category.There are mods that I have explicitly asked and gotten permission from, and there are Open Source Packs that can be used by everyone. To know the difference, I marked all OSP mods like this: OSP. You can use these OSP mods freely for non-commercial use, but still need to give credit and notify the creators.

How To Install Floris 2.55

For the other mods you'll need permission form the creators.In total 143 sources have been bundled together. Floris Basic Mod pack:You'll find the following in the rar-file:. Modulesnative. Textures. add to itemkinds1.txt.

add to module ini.txt. Instructions.txtWhen you want to install this mod, make a backup from your native module and the files in the main Texture directory.Those files Textures that are being replaced, are the black-transparent logo's of the six factions: they are being replaced by coloured versions. If you don't want that, you shouldn't copy that directory.The Module files in this pack are meant to supplement and/or replace your native files. Therefor you should always make a copy of your native module. You can also rename that copy into FlorisModule (or any name you wish), and copy the files from this pack to there.After that, you should open the 'add to itemkinds1.txt' and 'add to module ini.txt' and follow the instructions in there. You should add and change something in the itemkinds1.txt and module.ini in the module you install this pack in.When you done that, your ready to play.

And since you made a backup of your native module, you can still play native.Floris Expanded Mod pack:You'll find the following in the rar-file:. ModulesFloris Extended Mod Pack 1.0. Textures.

Floris Evolved Mod How To Install

Instructions.txtThe same applies to this Textures directory as to the one of the Basic mod: if you want to keep the black-transparent faction logo's you shouldn't copy this directory. It's not necessary for the module. Also, the Floris King logo's are in this directory.For the rest: the 'Floris Extended Mod Pack 1.0' directory you find in the Modules directory is a complete standalone playable module. Just copy and play.

No need to backup your native module, since it won't be touched.I hope this answers your question. Unfortunately it's not that easy. What you can do, is taking Diplomacy, and adding all the mods yourself to that newer version. That's indeed building up the pack from the ground up, and that's the way I actually created this pack.I'm currently working on a new version of this pack, featuring the newest Diplomacy, the latest Custom Commander and quite a bunch of new weapons. And a completely new troop tree, build up from the ground and with all the new items distributed among the troops.

How To Install Floris Expanded

Floris download

Unfortunately I don't have a release date yet, but I'm working as hard as I can.

I see 's GUI fix already solved the problem of the window not rendering, so I won't look it up myself.Ubuntu user here. I'll assume you can get the Floris files downloaded by yourself.Extract everything into a folder, this is the mod ready to play - you just need to get it into the right place. Just open the terminal, and hitnautilus /.steam/steam/steamapps/common/MountBlade Warband/Modules/Paste your Floris folder in there and you're good to go, it'll show up in the Module Select GUI. Same process for every mod you want to install, just go to the folder and drop the module folder you downloaded in there.Extra troubleshooting: Some modules have trouble with fonts. Floris is okay, but Pendor needs this.Access the folder that contains the mod;In the Data folder, delete FONTDATA.XMLIn the Textures folder, delete fonts.ddsThis will force the mod to use the default fonts, which render okay. There might be some tiny misalignments in-game, but those are a minor side effect compared to not being able to render any text at all.