I Want To Eat Your Pancreas Anime Eng Sub

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Genre: Drama, School Life, Romance, Slice of Life, TragedyAuthor: Sumino YoruArtist: Kirihara IzumiChapters: 5 (out of 10?)Status: ongoingType: manga ────────. ✱.

──────── StoryThe two main protagonists 'Mr. Classmate' and Yamauchi Sakura are polar opposites and have had nothing to do with each other in school. Classmate' was getting checked at the hospital because of an appendectomy, when he found a book, that had been forgotten by it's owner in the waiting hall. Being a book lover, he opened it, only to discover that it's a 'disease coexistence diary', which belongs to his classmate Yamauchi.Since that day, he's been the only one outside of her family to know about her illness. Additionally, he doesn't seem to be bothered by it, which is why Yamauchi forces him to spend time with her, as he doesn't take pity on her for her illness.As you have noticed by now, this manga isn't some sort of horror story as the title might indicate.

Kimi no Suizou wo Tabetai, also known by the English title 'I want to eat your pancreas', is a drama anime film with tragedy. It is about an outgoing girl who has a pancreatic illness which she has not told anyone except her family that she has this illness.

The idea for the title of the manga comes from the fact that in the past, people who had illnesses in certain organs would eat an animals organ believing it would give them vitality. If for example their intestine was affected, they'd it an animals intestine.' I want to eat your pancreas' isn't just the title of the manga, but also the opening statement to what will unfold in the coming chapters.The idea to this story isn't really new.

The most known anime/manga with a similar idea would be 'your lie in april'. But I like to believe that every story has something that's makes it a stand alone work and in this case it would be the two main protagonists themselves that make it an enjoyable reading experience.We have two characters that couldn't be more different to each other, one being the popular and out-going type, while the other likes to keep to themselves. Yet by chance, fate or whatever you want to believe, these two get to interact and get close with each other. Different views on life, how they view each other and how they deal respectively with Yamauchi's approaching death is what forms their friendship and how one might percieve this manga.I don't want to spoil too much about the story itself, but so far I like how our MC, that has been avoiding others, is slowly opening himself for Yamauchi. ────────. ✱. ──────── Characters'Mister Classmate'.

'I had never had the chance to get acquainted with her. If I had to define our connection - we were just classmates.' Classmate' is your typical high school student, save for the fact that he has no friends, because 'he had no interest in others', so others are probably not interested in him. The only thing that he likes to endorse himself in are books.' Classmates' name never gets revealed so far. We only know that his name resembles that of an author, which is one of the reasons that he started to like reading books in the first place.

He is always referred to as 'Mr. Classmate' with small variations here and there, for example 'Mr. Simple/friendly Classmate' or 'Mr.-Classmate-who-knows-my-secret'. He is also the only one that is referred to in such a manner, everyone else that got introduced so far have proper names given to them.When 'Mr. Classmate' discovered Yamauchis secret, he promised to not reveal it, thinking that with that she'll feel assured and will leave him alone. He never thought that she will seek him out and persist that he shall spend time with her, because he's the only one that she can talk to 'normally' about her illness.What I like about our protagonist so far, is that he is slowly coming out of his 'lethargy' (not sure if this is the right word to describe him with). He just seems not to be interested in anyone or anything, so by interacting with Yamauchi, talking about random things, about themselves and about her illness and death, he 'awakens'.

He even starts looking forward to her calls thinking that it isn't bad to be talking with her.Of course it's not always ups in their relationship, but that's what helps shape him so far and to be honest, I can often times relate to him, that it makes me want him to interact with her more and to change more.Yamauchi Sakura. 'I want to eat your pancreas.'

Yamauchi Sakura is the opposite of 'Mr. Classmate' being one of the popular kids in class, 'she is loved by all their classmates'.When 'Mr. Classmate' discovers that she has pancreatic cancer, she asks him, if he could keep it a secret. One might assume that she won't want to interact with him afterwards.

But that's exactly what she does. She persistently seeks him out, demanding that he spends time with her, and because she is very persistent 'Mr. Classmate' can't deny her.The only ones that know about her secret are her family and 'Mr. Not even her close friends know about it, because she doesn't want to be treated differently. Yamauchi seems to see in 'Mr.

I Want To Eat Your Pancreas Anime Eng Sub Indonesia

I want to eat your pancreas anime eng sub magic school

Classmate' someone she can talk to openly to about her illness, because she can't do so with her family, as she would upset them, if she for example attempted to joke about it.Yamauchi gives of the impression of being a happy-go-lucky girl, always smiling and joking about her illness. One might even assume that she came to terms with her death, but that's not true at all. She is not as mature as she wants herself to be, in fact Yamauchi has some dark moments/thoughts, which she can't or doesn't want to hide from 'Mr. She shows him her 'strong' sides as well as her 'vulnerable' sides and encourages him to interact more with other people, which I really like about her, as it makes her more 'real' and relatable.

────────. ✱. ──────── ArtWell, there's not really much to say here. The art is nice, but nothing outstanding, something you might find in shoujo manga. The character design is cute, but not too much that it might upset the story.

I Want To Eat Your Pancreas Mal

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I Want To Eat Your Pancreas Anime Eng Sub

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──────── OverallTo sum up this blog, this manga is definetly something I would recommend without batting an eye:D. In case you're more into novels, this manga is based on one with the same title. And in case you're neither a manga nor novel reader, then let me tell you, that there is a movie for this in the working, which is supposedly to air next year.