Starcraft 2 Terran Campaign Upgrades

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  2. Starcraft 2 Terran Campaign Upgrades 1

I'm a new Starcraft 2 player, got it for Christmas, and Starcraft 1 was the last RTS game that I played with any regularity, about 10 years ago. I've played through most of the campaign on my friends computer, but got to the end and did not have all upgrades.So is there a way to get all of the upgrades in the campaign? If not what are the recommended upgrades to get, and when. Also what upgrades should I balance with mercenaries? Should I save up for upgrades to things latter in the game or should I spend all my credits between every mission. Although there are other answers about upgrades, I could advise about mercenaries. From my perspective the most valuable are siege tanks and battle cruiser.

I would save money from hiring other stuff. They are not much better and die relatively quickly.And in short: is it possible to get all upgrades? If in one campaign - short answer 'no'. But if you OK to bother with earning moneys via passing same missions 5-10 times just to get research points to be converted into money - you could try. Although I don't see any value in that.EDIT:Sorry. To be honest I must to say I didn't try to earn more research points. But I read that it will works ONLY after getting 25 Zerg/Protoss points.

Starcraft 2 terran campaign guide

Only after that time you could try to earn more. But I would suggest to play in usual way (probably on casual level) to pass 10-15 missions and to get 1M credits. Made a save and after that do 1 upgrade line - get achievement, reload. Do another upgrades line.

02:52 PMPosted by I'm going through the Wings of Liberty campaign for more or less the first time, and I've noticed that I'm not going to have nearly enough credits to buy all the upgrades by the time it's over, so I figured I'd come here to ask for advice. Thanks!:) It's been way too long to remember much; just save games before decisions and you can always go back. It's a good idea to have some saved games to branch back off of anyway as one will want different tech for different achievements. One will perhaps also want to change the mission order to allow for more tech in certain missions. The expansions offer more flexibility with technology and this sort of thing isn't as necessary. It's crucial in WoL. Depends on difficulty.

But the mandatory upgrades are (in my opinion) All Buildings upgrades. Both Marine and Marauder upgrades.

Upgraded Healing beam for Medics. Both Siege Tanks upgrades.

Both Vikings upgrades. All Mercenaries are super useful, especially for beginners, but the most important ones are once again Siege Tanks (Siege Breakers) and Vikings (Hel’s Angels). Regarding Banshees, I think they are one of the best upgrades you can get later on with spare credits, but that is mostly because I love that unit and find it quite useful. For my part, I don’t suggest Hellions to be ever upgraded too. Regarding lab. Protoss tree The better you are, more use will you get from increased attack speed.

So, beginners should take extra HP. Vespene filter is just better. But if you get supply blocked often, pick it. Automated refinery beats the other upgrade.

Raven isn’t bad. Just Science Vessel’s Repair ability is too good. Always Tech Reactor. Zerg Tree +150 hp is better, shrike does only a little and building a bunker without having marines ready to enter it asap is a bad habit anyway. Neither upgrade is really good, but Planetary Fortresses are useful walls in last mission. Hercules Dropship for two missions - Moebius Factor, Gates of Hell. Makes them easier.

Predator is useless. Regen for mechanic units sounds cool an all, but it’s a trap. It’s freaking slow. Always pick cellular reactor. If you can handle micro well, pick the mind control. If not, the one that slows is better.

01:00 AMPosted. Regarding lab. Protoss tree The better you are, more use will you get from increased attack speed. So, beginners should take extra HP. Vespene filter is just better.

But if you get supply blocked often, pick it. Automated refinery beats the other upgrade.

Raven isn’t bad. Just Science Vessel’s Repair ability is too good. Always Tech Reactor. Zerg Tree +150 hp is better, shrike does only a little and building a bunker without having marines ready to enter it asap is a bad habit anyway. I always go for the guns. 01:00 AMPosted by Neither upgrade is really good, but Planetary Fortresses are useful walls in last mission.

Hercules Dropship for two missions - Moebius Factor, Gates of Hell. Makes them easier. Predator is useless. Regen for mechanic units sounds cool an all, but it’s a trap. It’s freaking slow.

Always pick cellular reactor. If you can handle micro well, pick the mind control. If not, the one that slows is better. Many of these choices depend on what one is doing or how one is going to do it. The Predator does seem useless and the Hercules is certainly useful in Moebius Factor; I've never used it anywhere else.

One's choice of ground or air for All In will determine some of these choices. Devil Dogs are really good as meat shield. Their hitpoints are ridiculous. When you take the hipoints upgrade, their hp can go above 180. And it’s biological. I use them in Outbreak, Trains (mostly as bullet sponges), Moebius Factor, Jungle and Haven’s Fall (as part of the infanry that protects Tanks that destroy the bases from distance).

Even in Safe Haven. Good sponges.

There are better mercs and better upgrades, but they are very cheap, so I always find space for them. I use Banshees from Supernova on. Hellions are raiding unit so, not really useful in campaign that doesn’t demand fast units. You mean guns as Ultra Capacitors or Shrike? Because Shrike does like next to no damage. Capacitors are better in All In, while Vanadium is better in most other missions.

Hercules dropships are great in Gates to bypass the Zerg base. Rule of thumb for final Zerg upgrade is Air = Mind Control, Nyduses = That Slow Down thingy.

I use Shrike turrets. I don't really remember the other things. None of the upgrades are completely useless, I suppose. Much of it is preference and much is determined by what one is trying to accomplish.

I doubt any set of upgrades will cut it for all achievements or for Brutal play on every mission. If I recall correctly, one has to destroy the Nydus worms only, so bypassing the Zerg base should certainly make Gates of Hell, well, different. I wonder if I just forgot that or if I just didn't care.

It's sort of the point to destroy things, you know.:) I do remember using the drop pods in that mission. Ghosts can do some damage even before the silos get on-line. 12:03 PMPosted by Thanks for the tip about the Devil Dogs, I would have written mercenaries off as a waste of credits. I should probably mention I'm playing on Normal, as I'm not very good at strategy games, but the campaign missions seem heavily weighed in my favor so far. I've beaten normal mode with a strategy of 'make nothing but mercs and healing units' before, excluding the very earliest missions where you don't have enough mercs available to actually make an army of them.

Starcraft 2 Terran Strategies

I wouldn't necessarily want to try it on brutal for every mission, but its a fairly well rounded army that's difficult to kill. 12:03 PMPosted by Thanks for the tip about the Devil Dogs, I would have written mercenaries off as a waste of credits.

I should probably mention I'm playing on Normal, as I'm not very good at strategy games, but the campaign missions seem heavily weighed in my favor so far. Dude, mercenaries rock. Have you seen Siege Breakers damage when they’re upgraded? Vikings mercenaries are mineralwise cheaper than standard Vikings. The instant calldown on its own is great. Best things to play in WoL. Especially on full supply.

Starcraft 2 Terran Campaign Upgrades 1

12:03 PMPosted by Thanks for the tip about the Devil Dogs, I would have written mercenaries off as a waste of credits. I should probably mention I'm playing on Normal, as I'm not very good at strategy games, but the campaign missions seem heavily weighed in my favor so far.

Dude, mercenaries rock. Have you seen Siege Breakers damage when they’re upgraded? Vikings mercenaries are mineralwise cheaper than standard Vikings. The instant calldown on its own is great. Best things to play in WoL. Especially on full supply.

Forgive my stupidity, I thought that mercenaries were 1 time use.